UC San Diego
San Diego Supercomputing Center
Computational & Data Science
Research Specialist
Via sign up form:
Please describe your experience with supercomputing
I use supercomputers often
Are you familiar with the U.S. National Science Foundation's ACCESS program?
Yes, I have used ACCESS in my research
Via pre-survey:
How should we address you?
Please describe your experience using advanced research computing?
If you've used ACCESS, what allocation level did you start with?
What have you used or hope to use the ACCESS website to do?
Remind us what your role is, as it applies to working with ACCESS:
What is your research domain?
What courses do you teach?
What is advanced research computing is your resource particularly well suited for?
Who are your stakeholders?
What one thing do you appreciate most about the program?
What one thing would you change about the program?
Interview guide:
60-90 minute interview. Each task will take approximately 5-10 minutes.
Login, introductions, set up screen share
Task 1: Do you know how to set up an ACCESS training session for your resource?
Interview notes hereTask 2: Do you know how to announce outages or other type of news about your resource?
Interview notes hereTask 3: Do you know how to update resource information and resource contacts?
Interview notes hereTask 4: Where can you find XDmod? Do you know how to use this tool?
Interview notes hereTask 5: Where can you find Systems Status information?
Interview notes hereTask 6: Where can you find news just for RPs?
Interview notes hereTask 7: Where can you go for help?
Interview notes hereTask 8: Where would you go to join the RP Slack channel?
Interview notes hereTask 9: How can you join the RP Forum?
Interview notes hereTask 10: If you want to get involved and volunteer with the ACCESS community as an RP, where would you go?
Interview notes hereIf there is additional time: Are you seeing any trends in types of allocation requests?
Interview notes hereAfter our interview would you be willing to review this pages?
Suggest any information that might be added or deleted using this form:
ADD GOOGLE DOC LINK to chat and make sure user has copied itWrap up, thank you