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  1. Debrief on EC meeting John Towns  

  2. Review Action Items John Towns

  3. Updates

  • EAB Updates Shawn Strande

  • Evaluation Update Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)

  • Project Office Updates Lavanya Podila

  • Communications UpdateDina Meek

    • Website

      • New dropdown menu (will be across sites)

      • RP page (worked with Tom Maiden - RP Coordinator - on approving)

      • New Get Involved page (link on About page)

    • Newsletters/Emails

      • Anything we need to communicate

        • Internally - I was thinking of sharing the link the the PEARC page where you can list the things you’ve submitted

        • June internal all-hands meeting (final agenda will be on Wiki page)

        • Externally?

    • Events

      • Developing “What is ACCESS” style video for SC

        • Will be filming PIs at PEARC

          • How best to schedule?

            • Book room and schedule - in one day, if possible

            • Dina to work with Lavanya on the room

        • Theme likely to be “Innovation”

        • Will be putting in RTP for videographer

          • Also want MJ to come for art direction

      • Do we want to reprint the “Ask me about ACCESS” buttons?

        • Otherwise we can do a smaller, acrylic ACCESS pin…just the logo

        • Good for PEARC but also for other conferences

  • Community Engagement UpdateJay Alameda

    • Jay was tagged for Jury next week, don’t know how this will impact my availability. Planning for disruption.

    • EC to review the code of conduct and vote for approval during next week’s EC meeting (23rd May 2023):

    • Group agreed to act as each other’s alternates, will update our alternate table to reflect that we can stand in for each other based on our shared understanding of our goals.

    • Recent Events

      1. MS-CC, May 10-11, 2023

        1. Alan Chalker report

          1. Discussion with Phillip Wallace - United Negro College Fund

          2. key point: need to do more than just sign up for account - needs to be education, training and engagement

          3. Discussion with Russell Hoffman, on MC-CC grant, representing AIHEC interests

          4. key point - lack of resources (staff, broadband connectivity, local computing) is a persistent challenge that needs attention through any engagement.

    • Upcoming events:

      1. RMACC - 5/23/2023

        1. Support, Allocations

      2. Unite 2023 UNCF Summit for Black Education, July 17-20, 2023

      3. PEARC23 - July 23-27, 2023

        1. All groups present, multiple BoFs submitted

        2. Community Engagement in with Support BoF (along with Allocations)

      4. Tapia - Sept 13-16, 2023

      5. CC* PI Workshop - Sept 25-27, 2023

        1. In conjunction with Quilt

        2. Operations

      6. Grace Hopper - Sept 26 -29, 2023

    • Open or Emerging Risks/Issues

      1. Have requested invitations to relevant NSF PI workshops (eg, CC*, CSSI, …)

    • Discussion regarding conversion of community engagement working group to a standing committee

Misc Topics

  1. Discussion regarding next round of focus groups with the PI’s on how the ACO is performing to be conducted by Lisa Kaczmarczyk

Reference - ACO Action Tracker
