Epsilon Delta Labs
Timezone: Central U.S.
Campus Champion
Research Collaboration between Science + Art
Interview was conducted on Monday 2/3
Tuesday 2/11 from 2-4
Christine Golus, Rebecca Eveland
What one thing would you change about the program?
It would always work on my iPad.
Link to interview: video and transcript
Interview guide:
60–90 minute interview. Each task will take approximately 5-10 minutes.
We ask that you “talk aloud” as you are completing your task – telling us what you are thinking about and looking for as you complete your task. Begin here:
Eliza transferred from the xsede program so her entry point into ACCESS was relatively straightforward. She has used Stampede 2/3, Ranch, and Expanse (formerly Comet). She enjoys reading about supercomputing capabilities. She is a Redhat Linux and Firefox user. Had trouble with some features of ACCESS on her iPad. Will follow up in a separate email with information.
Task 1: Where would you go to find out what type of research is being conducted using ACCESS? Is your institution’s area of research activity represented on the ACCESS website?
Went to News to find research. Then went to Site map. Eliza noted that she navigates at the top of the page and then will scroll down to the very bottom to find what she needs. She scrolled through and found a News stories that seemed close to fluid dynamics (Wind and Water science story). Usually she gets her info about ACCESS from the newsletter or emails. She reads the newsletter.Task 2: Where can you find information specifically targeted for you?
Went to home page, Get Started button and page, then For Researchers. Had no trouble finding this page.Task 3: Are you eligible to use ACCESS? Where can you find eligibility requirements?
Skipped to Allocations and then found Eligibility since she has been to this section of the website before. Spends a lot of time with the policies. Understands she is not affiiliated with a university so eligibility for “I’m a researcher who is currently unaffiliated with an institution (e.g., retired or self-employed)” was pertinent.
NOTE: Eliza’s navigation strategy is to look at the top and at the bottom of a website for info she is looking for.Task 4: Find information about the cost to use ACCESS.
Noted there is a no cost statement on the Allocations home page. She remembered “no cost” from her first encounter on ACCESS maybe on home page. Then she has difficulty getting to the ACCESS home page. Clicking logo lands you on various home pages.
NOTE: Home page icon is not very visible and can be easily missed.Task 5: What is an ACCESS resource? Where can you find the type of resources that are available through ACCESS? How would you select an ACCESS resource?
Eliza has used both Stampede and Expanse. Stampede for big simulations, Expanse for a lot of smaller stuff so she knows a lot about these systems.
Imagining herself just starting a project, Eliza went to Expanse via the Resource page. She knew to go right away to the Resources link in the top nav. Then immediately went to the user guide (which is located off the ACCESS page on the UC San Diego SDSC website) to learn:What kind of jobs can I run on Expanse
What does the technical summary include
What nodes are available, how big is the computer
CPU computer vs. GPU
Even if she reads about computing capabilities she will still need to test the system for her project.
NOTE: Eliza noticed that there are no longer “start up” credits/allocation to test a system. This may have been on the XSEDE site?
We have Eliza go back to the Resource catalog. She starts looking at the tags – which computers use GPU vs CPU is important.
The Summary is very important to Eliza. How to distinguish between computers what type of projects is one computer better for than another. Notices there is a lot more information now in the Resource catalog.
Does not know what “test bed” means. Might Google that term.
Interview Rebecca asks what might the catalog be missing/what is important to you? CPU, memory, storage, number of nodes
Doesn’t think Petaflops is helpful for new people. Just seems to be a big number compared to what?
NOTE: Remembered the “long tail” description for the Expanse summary that is now hidden under “Recommended Use” within an accordion. This info should bubble up to the top landing page.
Get’s to software section within Expanse Resource. Tries to search “visit” the software she uses.
NOTE: Ideally the search term is highlighted within the software listing. Difficult to tell that the search was working.
Did not know what ACCESS OnDemand was within the resource catalog and could not click on it for information (just a tag). Tries to search and gets overwhelmed on the Search page. Sees the Bot , then finds tags, skips over search field. Ends up Googling ACCESS OnDemand and lands on the support page about OnDemand.
NOTE: Make search field the first thing you see on page the Search landing page.
Asked Eliza again how would you choose which computer to use, she starts to filter, but then we give her a prompt to GET SUGGESTIONS and she gets to the Resource Advisor. Found this very interesting. In addition to Expanse and Stampede-3 she gets a result for FASTER. That is a new system.
NOTE: Resource Advisor result goes to Operations entry.
Ends up on For Reseachers page. Is surprised that the first step is make an account… should first search for Resources, then understand how to request an allocation/project… then login and make an account
NOTE: Login and create an account should be Step 3.
Task 6: What is an allocation? What types of allocation projects can you apply for? How do they differ from one another?
Eliza found her way quickly to the Allocations project table. Differences between project types was clear to her.
As a current ACCESS user she is uncertain how to upgrade between projects. Does she have extra credits to move or lose credits? The initial allocation for the access credits will be half the total amount for the new opportunity, minus the amount consumed at the smaller scale.
NOTE: Clean up content for how to manage a Project Upgrade.Task 7: Where would you go to find the definition of an unfamiliar term or phrase used in ACCESS?
She would use Search or use Google. Did not find the Glossary. Most terms are familiar except for “test bed” and “composable systems”Task 8: Where can you go for help to use the ACCESS system? Where can you go to open a help ticket?
Starts to go to the Resources first to find an answer and wants to find a user guide to find out how to login, etc. She has used the ticket system. If she had a general question she would try to email ACCESS and finds CONTACT ACCESS. Would log on and use the ticket system.
NOTE: Make Contact ACCESS bigger in the footer.Task 9: If you want to get involved and volunteer with the ACCESS community where would you go?
Eliza knows he has signed up for Affinity Groups.
Lots of scrolling and searching. Tries Knowledge Base. Found Community section via Support nav at bottom of page. Also is an avid Newsletter reader and gets info from there.
NOTE: What phrases are best? Get Involved, Volunteer, Join the Community?
NOTE: Is mega footer navigation confusing?Task 10:What’s the first step to get started using ACCESS?Task 11: Where can you find information about citing ACCESS in your publications?
Goes to Allocations, Policies. Says you can find most things in Policies. Then Allocations mega footer, How To, then finds Acknowledge ACCESS lands on: https://access-ci.org/about/acknowledging-access/Task 12: Where do you go to find Systems Status?
Usually Eliza doesn’t think to check Systems Status. Assumes the systems are reliable and will receive a notification via email if something is down. Doesn’t know where to go.
Thinks of going to News, but then ends up on Resources, looks up info about Expanse… sees wait time, but doesn’t really know…
”The systems are honestly they're like really reliable. … they're usually not broken.”
More experienced user questions:
Task 13: Do you know what the XDMod XDMoD tool is used for and how to find it?
Doesn’t know what this is, people have asked me, maybe looked it up, but then forgot. Something that let’s me track jobs…job statistics, how well things are running, how fast…
Not logged in… uses search field to search xdmod. Uses search result to open support page: https://support.access-ci.org/tools/xdmod
”Asked me about XDMoD on last year’s survey. The survey reminds me about things I don’t know.” Now logs into XDMoD… can see her projects, “mmmm, maybe I should take the tour”. Tries to go back in time, but sees info right now that has nothing to do with her project.
To describe XDMoD: “It checks my projects performance.”Task 14: Can you find what resources are running PyTorch?
”PyTorch means a machine-learning kind of thing… I think it can run on CPUs and GPUs. A lot of people might want to know about this.”
Uses Search, sees a definition in results, and ends up on the PSC Resource Provider web page. Back to search results and under relevance “checks” documentation. Then looks at tags. Can’t find what she is looking for. Goes back to Resources landing page. mmm
Then goes to Knowledge Base… but back to Site Map. Doesn’t know how to find this. After a hint sees “Software Documentation Service” on the site map. Uses search on this page, search is executed, but nothing is highlighted.
NOTE: Software Documentation Service should have results highlighted. Test functionality on iPad. This user does not like to use mouse, perhaps touch screen. Has pain using mouse.Task 15: Can you find a resource that runs ACCESS On-Demand?
Task 16: Can you find an Affinity Group for FABRIC users?
Asked how can you get to an Affinity Group quickly. Goes to support. Finds it quickly under Community.Task 17: Where can you go for training to use ANVIL?
Easily goes to Events & Training in top nav and sees list of training and can filter by ANVIL.Task 18: Can you find how to get started with ACCESS MATCH services to help you with your research project?
User knows what MATCH means. She has wanted to be “matched” to help other people.
”Sounds like a dating thing. Not in a bad way.” Found out about MATCH from an email.Task 19: Please review this page and suggest any additions or deletions.
Wouldn’t start with Create an Account step 2, then 3, then 1. “I would want to know if I really want to use this before making an account, store a pasword, etc.”
Eligibility is important
Explore current projects – important if I was new to ACCESS. Then filters by “field of science”. Maybe this is not the best, maybe too much, but then again I will look at a few things. Especially good for a field that you don’t think might have ACCESS users – e.g. Media and Communcations.
Found Systems Status: Loves “early user projects” and “discounts”
Scrolls through FAQs
What type of resources is good – compute, storage, cloud, science gateways.
”If I was interested I would start looking for the best resources for my projects” – and user lands on Resource Advisor. ah, the form! interesting.
Then goes to Find Software. View Project Metrics.
”ah this is the secret page, everything is here”
”As a more experienced user I wouldn’t go to GET STARTED.” We could re-do the page order. Order of questions are good.
NOTE: Move quick links up to top for experienced users?
Question how do I find resources and tools
Uses the word Tools more Software…Task 20: How did you determine if the available ACCESS resources can support your research? Are you planning to use ACCESS resources again?
If I am doing a GPU project or machine learning (more like I am starting from scratch):
First, what software tools would I use?
Two, can I try to do this on my local computer?
Three, then I decide my data should live on ACCESS and I want to use ACCESS?
Four, what type of jobs would I run large or small? What size of job?
Lots of small parallel jobs? Number of cores?
I would need to do a lot of research.
How would I do this thing on a supercomputer? That would be my biggest question. I know it can be done because people are using these supercomputers all the time. One question - is the supercomputer for me? But if I want to do machine learning I know I need to use a supercomputer.
Assumes it is substantially easier to use supercomputers now than a few years ago. Using a web browser, OnDemand.
Applied mathematicians use a lot of local computing, but supercomputing can freak them out.
If I am not qualified for CCEP no worry.
General comments:
ACCESS is approachable. Compared to XSEDE it is a big shift. Policies are a shift. More start up like. Gets people into the system quickly with Explore. Get Allocation quickly without a 10 page paper. Once you do the three page updates during the process it adds up… but overall gets people on the system quickly.
Entry point is good. Credits are helpful. Some of the policies can be a bit unclear… but that doesn’t cause too much problem
Graphic design, color, shapes, the way it is laid out is very friendly. The site does feel like one site. Website is already very usable.
NOTE: Move home icon to left. Remove “home” from track sites.Wrap up, thank you, at end of interview save transcript