\uD83D\uDC65 Participants
Andrew Helregel
Hannah Remmert
\uD83E\uDD45 Goals
Introduce team members
Share updates (from EC presentation)
Introduce Communications Plan
Introduce Interim Email Campaign
Establish regular meeting day (weekly through September, then at a slower cadence)
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
Can you find out if your track has or plans to have a newsletter? If so, do you have a way to subscribe yet? | Dina Meek |
| |
I’m considering having our feature writer create searches for all the ACCESS-allocated resources as a starting point to gather science stories. Thoughts? | Dina Meek |
✅ Action items
- Dina Meek to draft a charter for the group
- Stephen Deems to work with Dina Meek on developing the Allocation citing to make this available Sept. 1 (Follow-up from Stephen: This is something to elevate to EC, but not essential for September 1, since allocation awards will not yet have been made on ACCESS resources.
- Dina Meek to bring back newsletter plans to access-ci.org web developer
- Stephen Deems to explore how to incorporate newsletter subscription selection into the user portal for new allocations.
- Dina Meek to send out doodle for ongoing meeting day/time