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  • Present: Cynthia Dillon, Dina Meek, John Towns, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Jay Alameda, Ron Payne

  • Absent:  Lizanne DeStefano,


  • NSF Updates

    • John to check in with Tom on the PEARC NSF presentation. Would like to focus on what ACCESS will offer vs. why did NSF make the decisions they did.

  • EC/Track PI Updates

    • EC Updates: 

    • Discussions with Track PIs

    EAB status

    • Plan B:

      • Likely will have little no requests for extending XSEDE services beyond 31 August 2022.

      • John to follow-up with Shelley on the plan, and concerns about functionalities that will not be available to the community on 1 September 2022 but will be added later.

  • EAB status

    • Some PIs pushing back on prioritizing EAB Charter.

    • Plan B: The plan will be for the ACO to draft a Charter and competency matrix for consideration by the EC. Once approved, we will issue a call for nominations.

    • Tom G is aware of the work happening and the prioritization of the EC. Seems to be somewhat forgiving on the ACO due date, however, we would like to meet the date, if possible.

  • Communications status

    Community engagement update

    • Branding & Website Update

    • Website Update

    • Newsletter/Email Update

    • Booth Update

    • PEARC22/SC22 Updates 

    Evaluation status

    • Status on identifying a new lead

      • Targeting the proposed branding for review in mid-July.

      • Current sitemap

      • Need to ensure there is a search option

      • Need to consider the XSEDE website as it represents what the community has been using and has evolved throughout the XSEDE project.

      • Dina is working on DVRP

    • Booth Update: Ron and Dina working on the costs of

    • Constant contacts will be transition to ACCESS in August. It has unlimited licenses. Tracks will be able to manage their own community contact lists.

    • XSEDE will be presenting on Terminology Task Force at PEARC. Dina to attend and discuss

    • There are 2 primary plenary sessions, as well as few BoFs that would be applicable to the ACCESS community. Dina to send the details of these to the current XSEDE community contacts

  • Evaluation status

    • Shawn & Lizanne meeting with External Evaluator first, before going

  • Community engagement update

    • Jay Alameda/NCSA will be stepping into the lead role and is in attendance.

  • Project Office Updates

    • OpenCI PEP update

    • Tools Setup

      • Confluence (74 users)

        • Building out the ACO wiki

        • ACP set (as of today) to be viewable to the public

      • Jira (59 Users)

        • Working with XSEDE PM&R to get export of Change & Risk Management Jira projects to be updated to support ACCESS, ACO, and all Service Tracks.

      • Slack (50 Users)

        • Tom Gulbransen joined today

        • Tom Furlani joined today

      • Google Drive / Google Shared Drive

Action items (formally tracked in Jira)
