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Educator: David Zeng
Dakota Jeff Woodford COMPLETED
Missouri Western State University
Timezone: Central U.S.



Friday 1/31 from 11-1


Friday 1/31 from 2-4


Tuesday 2/11 from 10:30 am–12:30 pm Eastern

Interviewers: Christine Golus, ????


Resource Provider: Marty Kandes COMPLETED
San Diego Supercomputing Center
Timezone: Eastern

Friday 2/7 from 11


am – 1 pm Eastern

Interviewer: Christine Golus


Educator: David Zeng COMPLETED
Dakota State University
Timezone: Central U.S.

Monday 2/3 from 2 - 4 pm Eastern

Lissie and Fein, Greg Dean? or Nathan Tolbert?


Community Member: Deb McCaffrey
Arizona State UniversityResearcher: Elizabeth Hicks COMPLETED
Epsilon Delta Labs
Timezone: Eastern Central U.S.



Friday 1/31 from 2-4

Monday 2/3




2 - 4 pm Eastern

Dina Meek and Matt YoderResource Provider: Marty Kandes
San Diego Supercomputing CenterChristine Golus, Rebecca


Community Member: Deb McCaffrey COMPLETED
Arizona State University
Timezone: Eastern Availability:U.S.







31 from 2 - 4 pm Eastern

Christine and JPDina Meek, Matt Yoder


Community Member: David Warden COMPLETED
SUNY Geneseo
Timezone: Eastern U.S.

Monday 1/27 from 11 am - 1 pm Eastern COMPLETED

Interviewers: Lissie Fein, Nathan Tolbert (may only attend the 1st hour)


Resource Provider: Lisa Perez COMPLETED
Texas A&M High Performance Research Computing
Timezone: Central U.S.

Monday 1/27 from 1 pm - 3 pm Eastern COMPLETED

Interviewers: Lissie Fein, JP Navarro


Grad Student: Lauren Prox COMPLETED
Duke University
Timezone: Eastern U.S.

Monday 1/27 from 2 pm - 4 pm Eastern COMPLETED

Interviewers: Christine Golus, Greg Dean
