Versions Compared


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  • Present: Cynthia Dillon, Lizanne DeStefano, Dina Meek, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne, Jay Alameda

  • Absent:  John Towns,


  • Updates from EC meeting Shawn Strande Communications Plan Dina Meek

    • Draft ACCESS communication plan reviewed

    • Cross-track group is meeting for the first time on Friday. Wiki location for notes and decisions needs to be identified and communicated to the Program. Dina and Ron to work this to completion.

  • Community Engagement Update (Jay Alameda)

    • Broad vision: The OpenCI vision for the ACCESS program and the NSF Blueprint both require community-building efforts across the nation’s CI ecosystem to expand participation to new and underserved communities and deepen participation in existing communities. This community building and engagement team must be recognizable to these communities as representing the broad ACCESS program.

    • Want to understand where we stand with respect to the following activities (my starting point):

      • Virtual Community Building and Engagement Team

        • Open CI member(s): Alameda,

        • Representative from each service track

        • Representation from the CSSN established by Track 2

          • CSSN faces 2 ways

            • Researcher community

            • CI community

          • Engages both communities to advance adoption of ACCESS services and resources within broader ecosystem

          • (Engages CI community to support elements from broad set of investments for the research community).

      • Forum for ACCESS service and resource providers from Track 3, which is another stakeholder group to engage.

    • Where are we with respect to these initial actions defined in the proposal:

      • Rapid launch of cross-track community building and engagement coordination

      • Participate in ACCESS transition summits coordinated by OpenCI > form virtual community building and engagement team with goal of calling its first meeting within one month of project commencement: Have we done this yet? Have the tracks identified community building and engagement leads to participate in this group?

        • early goals (community building and engagement activities that)

          • promote transition to access

          • draft information-sharing processes for cross-track team activities

          • documented understanding of outcomes desired by each track’s community building and engagement efforts

          • coordination plan that will support these efforts

    • Longer term goals (abbreviated from my notes):

      • Community Building and Engagement Plan: maintained by virtual team and available across ACCESS program

      • Community building and engagement teams collaborates with communication and outreach team 

      • Work with service tracks to assist their activities discussing CI and RCD, focusing on promoting campus-level engagements

  • ACCESS Roadmap Ron Payne

    • ACO has been asked to pick a ACO provided service, go through the Draft Roadmap procedure and provide feedback. Feedback requested by Fri. 29-July

    • ACO has been asked to identify any ACO requirements to be added to the roadmap procedure.

  • Communication Update Dina Meek

    • Branding Update

      • ACCESS logo expected this week.

    • Website Update

      • EC decision to launch with domain

        • Ron working hosting details within NCSA

        • Current commitment for pre-launch is 8/8 and launch is 9/8 (delay due to delayed decisions)

        • Working to get a splash page in place by 1 August, w/logo and “coming soon”

        • Track feedback phase for landing page launch content is complete

      Coordinated communications to community
  • EAB Updates Shawn Strande

    • Charter

  • Evaluation Update Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)

    • Call with external evaluator on Friday, 22 July
