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\uD83D\uDDD3 Date

\uD83D\uDC65 Participants

\uD83E\uDD45 Goals

  • Level set next steps for universal updates

Old Business

  •  SSO - CiLogon; reference implementation - Joe








Trainings, Events News




RPs are wanting a space on one of the access-ci sites to post news of trainings.

  • Does Support have plan for this?

  • Could the feed be accessed from uninav or aco site?

  • Andrew shared:

  • How to Share News, Events & Trainings, and Outages

  • Dina suggested the Operations team send an email out to the RPs using Constant Contact; she can also share in Comms Team meeting; also, this can go out in the Inside ACCESS newsletter; also check on templates






removed step that required you to select your IDP each time you logged in.

Next step: Joe was working up some reference code to integrate into each track site to allow for seamless login experience.

Update: Joe is still working on it


theme design




Any upcoming, expected overall style changes


Resource providers




We received feedback that resource providers are not as prominently listed in our websites as they should be. What resource provider and integrated resource information can we make more prominent? Share what T2 and T3 are doing, and what else we should do.

Ideas: About Resources (under that dropdown); include in main nav; add to questions blocks on main aco site; each site have context-appropriate content about RPs; possibly create a subpage under ACO site for landing; direct via links to specific info on allocations, support, metrics, etc.

For now - update the question box and point here:


Contact Form


Add blurb to the Contact Form intro guiding people to the ticketing system if they are users and need support

\uD83D\uDDE3 New Business

Notes on RFP:


Christine said most of what’s in the list of requirements is very standard; some are already being used at least on the ACO site and/or is in the initial style guide


Julie said the detail in the guide should actually be as detailed - rather than high-level - as possible


Developers said they are looking more for how to design/use various elements of the pages rather than what a full page might look like

  • JP: We do want to ensure the top banner and footer are identical, but that the middle sections can be different WHILE adhering to uniform styles

  • They don’t need code, per se, but they need a guide to style


My ACCESS is ready on the back end so we should be able to put that into the guide

  • Need to determine the selections/what’s in the drop-down list

  • Andrew says there is a list

  • Julie says they don’t need code for this, just what it would look like


Discussed News dropdown

  • ACO is OK with there being a universal dropdown that includes:

    • News

      • discussion on how to organize news to pull in from various sites, but also to be vetted for what shows up on the main site

      • The development team needs to decide how to manage the news that’s on the ACO site and also what’s on the Support news site

        • Discussed Support’s site being called “Announcements

    • Events - will be hosted on the Support site, but a dropdown could go there


Discussed Login

  • What would it look like and what are the dropdown items

    • Andrew says you’d have a universal login and from there it could be:

      • My ACCESS - your profile and account info

      • ACCESSonDemand - you can get to

Resource Providers


Perhaps “Resources” in the top nav

  • Team needs to decide where it will go


  • Style Guide - Q (the agency) should begin work this week

How might we prioritize this list:

  • Page specifications (grid): width, margins, columns, logo placement/size, responsive break points

  • Typography standards: H tags, root font size, paragraph spacing, ordered/unordered lists (bullets), icon style, “helper” text, buttons, hover states, parallax

  • Additional: date format, timezone presentation, WCAG 2.0

  • Color standards: in addition to hex values include Pantone/CMYK

  • Components: accordions, form style, responsive tables, screenshot treatments

  • Level AA accessibility (link to standards)

  • Images - hero, other, background

How might we prioritize next steps:

  • Header & Footer - Nathan will lead

    • Andrew

    • Greg

    • ACO - Dina or Q

    • JP/Dinuka

    • Will bring proposal back to this larger group

  • Resource Provider Page -

    • JP will lead a group to address this

      • Julie

      • Greg

      • Nathan

      • ACO - Ron/Q

    • we could link from the universal nav to a subpage on the ACO site - much like the current “About” page - that give some general information and then provides links to over other sites based on what the visitor is looking for

      • Allocations

      • user documentation

      • becoming a resource

      • metrics about resources

    • Could we share a high-fidelity mock-up with Ruth/RP Forum to show the what the subpage would look like

    • We could also include - via feed - the RP list from either Allocations or Operations page (both lists pull from the same d base but filtered differently - Allocations is looking into how to make that filtering something driven by the visitor so they can see the exact info they need; should be done in a matter of months)

    • Also some kind of tool helping visitors decide which resources is best for them

  • Refined responsive universal navigation header and footer (add “Resource Providers”
    and drop downs)

    • My ACCESS (or Logon) - Needs to be consistent across sites

      • Would this require a subpage with:

        • My ACCESS - your profile and account info

        • ACCESS OnDemand

    • About

      • Universal navigation, dropdown menu for “About”, includes file distribution to all
        subdomains via GitHub

      • Move to footer?

      • Determine if there should be dropdowns

      • Collaboration page

      • How to get Involved page

    • News

      • Add Events and Outages linking to specific sections of Support’s site

✅ Action items

⤴ Decisions
