Communications UpdateDina Meek
EAB Updates Nomination Process Shawn Strande (10 minutes)
Survey for submitting EAB nominations: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVMSu6SO21_P0NKyUUH1qWESkIqcH2HgnvPZq0V9-70a1g8A/viewform?pli=1
Action: Team will review above survey and provide feedback to Cindy; Shawn will draft call for nominations e-mail for team review. Will discuss distro channels: ACCESS newsletter, HCPwire, NSF Newsletter
Ticketing working group Shawn Strande (5 minutes)
Action: Shawn will reach out to Winona and ask how ACO can be involved given the meeting time conflicts with ACO/NSF meeting.