Versions Compared


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Present: Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk

Decisions made during the meeting:

Use Decision Macro


  1. No EC Meeting

  2. Sharing Annual Reviews

  3. Panel Response Document

  4. IPR Drafting -

  5. Review Action Items


  6. Review Tasks from Quarterly Meeting

  1. Updates

    1. Shawn Strande

    2. Cindy Wong

      1. EAB Meeting tomorrow, Thursday, July 18

        1. 2024-07-18 ACCESS EAB Meeting Agenda & Summary

        2. Record this meeting?

      2. EAB Charter Ver 2:

        1. Review timeline (proposed dates in bold)

          1. ACO first pass by Monday, August 5

          2. EC to review and comment by Tuesday, August 13 (one week)

          3. EAB to review and comment by Friday, August 23 (1.5 weeks)

          4. Back to EC for final review and approval by Tuesday, August 27 EC meeting (ideally by the end of August)

      3. Next EAB meeting (4th quarter)

        1. When?

        2. Where: Virtual

        3. Need to start availability process

    3. Kimberly Mann Bruch

    4. Dina Meek

      1. Tagline Process/Rules for review before publicizing contest

    5. Lavanya Podila / Shannon Bradley

      1. Onboarding Brainstorming - Quarterly Meeting

Parking Lot

Next Meeting: 31st July 2024

24th July 2024 (Canceled)

Action Tracker:


Use Action Item Macro to track assigned To Do Items - check the box when it is complete


ACO Weekly Updates