Lead: John Towns
All meeting attendees
\uD83E\uDD45 Topics
What other meetings are needed besides EC?
Make use of the wiki to share broadly what groups are meeting etc.
Do we need more full-group meetings? When?
Identified specific things that need work--maybe best to go work on those things and then come back together in 6-8 weeks.
Some tasks that have to happen now/by Sept. 1. Other things can be pushed back later.
Send updates up through EC meetings (which will start soon). If you need a decision, bring recommendation to the EC so they can make a decision more quickly. This is preferred vs. simply bringing them a question.
ACO welcomes advice/feedback/suggestions on how they should assist with coordination.
Expected to be scalable
Be flexible & open to rethinking things if needed.
✅ Action items (Owner)
⤴ Decisions