ACCESS Program Wide Meeting Agenda Lavanya Podila
All requested agenda topics can be seen HERE.
EAB Updates Shawn Strande
Evaluation Update Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)
Communications UpdateDina Meek
Any movement on the Acceptable Use Policy (per 3/29 email from Alex Withers submitting edits for EC approval: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LiWUmN3YRTPOd1u3CODRdeK87VLV_md4nEj-Ehqinls/edit
Community Engagement UpdateJay Alameda
PI meetings: Operations has the CC* PI workshop (Sept 25-27, in conjunction with Quilt) on the radar.
AI Institutes: lots of discussion
Support joining Monday AI Institutes calls (Alana, Julie, Mats, Eva from Support) (4 program officers on Monday calls).
Shelley will be joining, likely allocations and operations will be joining as well.
Turning into something larger than anticipated (originally envisioned as an affinity group) - this is not a low-touch effort/engagement.
Concerns about level of effort, mis-match between AI institute of ACCESS workload versus what is measured, RP readiness for AI Institute workload - especially around GPUs and filesystems.
Code of conduct: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J6MV3YMGGp57Zruxl4p-J0g0dcl62M3OLfV4Jz1RCac/edit has passages flagged for inclusion into ACCESS code of conduct, as well as rationale. Some could be pointed to as additional details, but the sections were what the group thought was worthwhile. Also, nobody really knows that ACCESS already has 2 codes of conduct (project facing and external event facing) - can we use one to serve both purposes (as we did for XSEDE)?
DEI: support for keeping this as “integrated everywhere” rather than separating it out as another effort
MS-CC: looking for ways to build on-ramps to build connections between MS-CC and ACCESS
BoFs: integrate community building and engagement with Support, or keep standalone? Very drafty draft at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oyh4b2K1xQd-_0cLy8OEuZ2R5lVAQhgdajehGkD12gM/edit?usp=sharing , this is meant to be community wide.
Cross-program meeting in June: support for working group update as plenary
Since Community Building and Engagement started late, is it in the same standing as the others? Probably needs to be reviewed, and likely reclassified as a standing committee.
Project Office Updates Lavanya Podila
Hotel reservations available for extended stay beyond the Program Wide Meeting
Catering menu finalized with CU Boulder