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  • EAB Updates Shawn Strande

  • Evaluation Update Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)

  • Communications UpdateDina Meek

    • Comms Plan

      • Should I be updating this as of May 1, 2023? What’s our PY?

    • Newsletters/Emails

      • Anything, in particular, we want ACCESS staff to know? 

        • I will be submitting to Hannah on behalf of ACO for next newsletter

    • Events

      • ACCESS Brochure - ACO section for review


      • I think it’s in pretty good shape, still, but do we want to update the last paragraph or anything else?

        • Please use Comments or Suggesting mode to update by 4/5

  • Community Engagement UpdateJay Alameda

    • Discussion items:

      • From group meeting:

        • Funding to support ACCESS engagement in community events?

        • Support in group for intentional, well-planned community engagements.

      • Community Events

      • Best practices for DEI in high performance computing: “Principles of DEI”

      • Researcher Advisory Board

      • Cross program authentication

        • good news: basically working

        • bad news: integration still needs work

      • Annual ACCESS Community Report: can I have a pointer to what this is supposed to contain?

      • Would it be worth considering an ACCESS plumbing diagram (to identify functionality locations and information pathways)?

  • Project Office & Tools Update Ron Payne

    • ACO Risks have been added to the Risk Register, full details need to be completed by risk owners

      • Confluence cheat sheet for Risk Register being created.

    • PY1 Finance analysis

      • ACO is ~$400K underspent through Feb 2023

      • Ron is assembling contributing factors to the underspend and will be reaching out to SDSC and GA Tech with any questions and clarifications.

      • We’ll need to have a plan for addressing the underspend that can be added to the Q4 report and included in the presentation provided to the NSF panel.

    • Performance Management Plan

      • is all input complete?

    • Version 3 of PEP submitted to Tom G for review.

    • New ticket system goes live on Friday 24 March - tool is setup, training sessions complete, and agents are reviewing the tool (146 agent licenses used / 200 licenses procured)

    • Supplement for in-person meetings being written and supplemental documentation collection in process.

    • Program Milestones

      • Dashboard completed and presented to the EC.

      • EC to start using it as of next EC meeting.
