New inputs or feedback from community, teams, or NSF (5 mins)
Evaluations Update Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed) (10 mins)
Foci/scope of the week - PEARC planning
Open or Emerging Risks/Issues
Successes or achievements
The Comms team has developed a materials request form and process:
This will be socialized in the Inside ACCESS newsletter
Communications Update Dina Meek (10 mins)
Foci/scope of the week - Website
Open or Emerging Risks/Issues
Successes or achievements
Community Engagement Update Jay Alameda (10 mins)
Foci/scope of the week
Waiting for feedback from AIHEC
Planning PEARC23 BoF submission
Open or Emerging Risks/Issues
Successes or achievements
Project Office Updates Ron Payne (10 mins)
Foci/scope of the week
Open or Emerging Risks/Issues
Successes or achievements
EAB Updates Shawn Strande (10 mins)
Foci/scope of the week
Open or Emerging Risks/Issues
Successes or achievements
Planned Events
NSF Reviews 18th April 2023 (Tentative)
Financial considerations