Resource Providers logs into a RP-specific page that lists all their resources with their baseline exchange rates.
RPs make use of an interface that allows them to set a new temporary exchange rate, along with a date range that this exchange rate will be in effect.
(optional) RPs will specify a short description of why the exchange rate is temporarily changed.
The RP will later use the same interface to edit the dates, including extending or ending the discount early.
At the end of the specified time period, the exchange rate will revert to the default baseline exchange rate.
Later, when evaluating transfers, RPs will be informed if the user purchased the credits with a reduced rate, to help inform decisions about transfers between resources. (to avoid abuse of the system)
Researcher User Experience:
Upon viewing the “exchange credits” interface, some sort of visual indicator is be presented to the researcher that the specified resource has a temporarily discounted rate.
Additional details are available to to the user that wishes to learn more (timespan of the discount, current rate, original rate, etc).
Once an exchange is requested with the discounted rate, that will be “locked in” for that exchange request, as long as the exchange request is submitted during the discounted time period.
Discounted rates should also appear in another of other places (Available Resources page, etc). See use case VM05.
Success Criteria
At the conclusion of this use case, the RP will have created a time-bounded special price, which will be displayed to researches in the Allocations portal, and be available for exchanges that occur within the specified timespan. The special time-bounded price will also expire and revert to the regular price at the conclusion of that time period.