Epsilon Delta Labs
Timezone: Central U.S.
Campus Champion
Research Collaboration between Science + Art
Monday 2/3 from 2-4 | Tuesday 2/11 from 2-4 |
Christine Golus, Rebecca Eveland
Task 1: Where would you go to find out what type of research is being conducted using ACCESS? Is your institution’s area of research /study/classroom activity represented on the ACCESS website?
Task 2: Where can you find information specifically targeted for you?
Task 3: Are you eligible to use ACCESS? Where can you find eligibility requirements?
Task 4: Find information about the cost to use ACCESS.
Task 5: What is an ACCESS resource? Where can you find the type of resources that are available through ACCESS? How would you select an ACCESS resource?
Task 6: What is an allocation? What types of allocation projects can you apply for? How do they differ from one another?
Task 7: Where would you go to find the definition of an unfamiliar term or phrase used in ACCESS?
Task 8: Where can you go for help to use the ACCESS system? Where can you go to open a help ticket?
Task 9: If you want to get involved and volunteer with the ACCESS community where would you go?
Task 10: What’s the first step to get started using ACCESS?
Task 11: Where can you find information about citing ACCESS in your publications?
Task 12: Where do you go to find Systems Status?