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Time-limited discount “sale” rate to attract users or dissuade users
Interested: IU, PSC
Suggested Requirements:
Provide RPs with a UI that shows the regular exchange rate, and lets them enter a different exchange rate and start/end dates. During that time, the sale exchange rate takes precedence.
This must also include some way to communicate to users that there IS a sale price, to attract people to the sale. (maybe this? How to Share News, Events & Trainings, and Outages )
Tagged allocations with special rates (for preemptible instances, different priority queues)
Interested: IU, PSC
Suggested Requirements:
RPs would have a UI to specify a tagged type of allocation (eg “pre-emptible instance”), along with a description of what that tag means, and an exchange rate for that type. (the UI should also show the default exchange rate for comparison)
When the user selects the resource, they should be shown something that indiciates that a discount is available if they select the special tagged type, and the description should be prominently shows (so the user understands the restrictions or special rules of that allocation tag)
These tags should flow through XRAS to XACCT and AMIE, so the RP can handle the special allocation appropriately.
IU is interested in this, but doesn’t currently have the infrastructure in place to even support these preemptible instances, so this is a “maybe we could use this eventually” as opposed to a “we’d love to have this now” feature.
Ability to manually edit base rate
Interested: PSC
Suggested Requirements:
PSC wants to be able to specify the base exchange rate manually instead of having it be automatically calculated based on conversion factors/linpack.
Rates that require usage during certain time period
Interested: PSC
This is similar to a time-limited sale, and tagged allocations, but PSC would like to be able to say “here’s the price if you use your allocation in the next 3 months”