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What is a Working Group - What is not a working group - put on next week’s agenda


  1. Discussion of Goals for the upcoming Quarterly Meeting Lisa (20 mins)

    1. What does the EC want to get out of this meeting?

      1. Why do we want this in person?

    2. She Lisa is developing a protocol for how she will interact with people at the meeting - to get their input on how an in person meeting impacts them

  2. Quick Update on Meeting Topic Requests Stephen Deems (<5 mins)

    1. Request to have a 90 - 120 minute workshop for developers

      1. Focused on building components in JavaScript, which could be highly beneficial as the program continues to enhance their web presence and other infrastructure.

        1. Consider scheduling in parallel with sessions that might be more administrative/high-level

      2. If you have people that don’t typically come to meetings who are technical focused - they might consider coming to this for in person development


  1. Document regarding collaborating with ACCESS John Towns (5 mins)

    1. background/discussion of need

      1. typically you do a letter of collaboration

      2. if you are in competition with them - you can’t share your proposal

      3. but the community might want to collaborate with the program - we would need to think about how to manage this

    2. Document for potential further review: ACCESS as a Collaborator on Proposals

      1. comment: seems long and complicated

      2. Stephen asked Bob Chadduck about this last year - given some of the language of the solicitation … he was not sure if his team needed to provide them

      3. If someone is putting in an MRI and allocating it thru ACCESS - they may not need it - but you are possibly putting them in competition with another MRI

      4. Sharon - NSF did not require a letter of collaboration but the description statement in the proposal should outline what they are doing with ACCESS

      5. Should we make this an option for people? (make some time to finalize)

        1. we have come this far without one - do we really need it?

        2. we can provide the list of awards and PIs

        3. someone is looking to collaborate with access and this would describe how

        4. some sort of page on the web saying ACCESS is interested in collaborating is good - but not the process of how to go thru all the details - contact us if you think there is a conflict of interest

          1. simple, encouraging, general interest - give them an email to send idea to - more of a feedback and direct them to non conflicted people

      6. John will generate a shorter summary for how to collaborate - John will be a go between because he is least likely to be in conflict

  1. Next steps for ACO (post-Shawn) John Towns (5 mins)

    1. Amit will assume some of Shawn’s duties

      1. Eval working group + additional

    2. Chuck Pavlovsky will assume the duties Amit does not

      1. EAB facilitator + additional

  2. EC Program Milestones John Towns (5 mins)

    1. Need people to assign as appropriate please - person may or may not be on the EC - but if not an EC member they should make sure the EC is informed of progress


  1. EC Meeting To Dos:


  1. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. RP Forum Jeremy Fischer

      1. didn’t meet last week

    2. Allocations Stephen Deems

      1. (noted above)

      2. Meeting planning and facilities at PSC

      3. Hybrid ARC meeting planning for September is ongoing

    3. MATCH Shelley Knuth/Alana

      1. Hackathon Winners from PEARC24 announced

      2. Boston RP workshop contract finally wrapping up and agenda sent out last week

      3. Working with resource catalogue team to plan virtual feedback sessions (and surveys) in Sept/October

    4. CONECT Tim Boerner/Leslie

      1. nothing

    5. MMS Tom Furlani

      1. new XDMOD out next week

    6. OpenCI John Towns

      1. current ACCESS EAB member's term will end in early 2025

        1. Plan: open EAB nominations sometime in mid-October to early-November 2024

        2. Please review, make changes, or provide feedback to the ACESS EAB charter version 2: by next Tuesday, 09/03/24 EOD

        3. Cindy W is working on the EAB nomination form and will be looking for your feedback on that as well

      2. Shannon working on adding more Milestone tasks from the excel sheet into JIRA

      3. Lavanya - Quarterly meeting - agenda planning group meeting tomorrow - planning going well

Misc Topics:

Updating documents - need to update EC charter - is on John’s to do list

Next EC Meeting: 3rd September 2024
