Present: Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila
Absent: Cynthia Dillon, Cindy Wong
New inputs or feedback from community, teams, or NSF
PEP comments received from Tom being reviewed
Target date by the end of the week and get it to Tom sometime next week
Foci/scope of the week
EAB Nominations
49 self-nominated
9 nominated someone else
Draft Code of Conduct: implementation
Ron to draft an email and send to Lizanne for review and then will sent out to Dina to include a contact number to reach out to in case of issues
SC22 Planning
Dina to send out promotions about the co-located events
Vendor set up in the system, the next step is to ensure they are paid in time
Open or Emerging Risks/Issues
Discussion topics for SP Forum this past week were forwarded, but the salient identified issues are:
Reminder: ticket system requirements survey
Tracking and publicizing RP requests and progress
Globus: futures with ACCESS
Lack of a consistent MFA/single sign on for RPs
Lack of consistency for posting training offerings and signups
currently, every SP/RP posts their own training in their own channels (whatever that is), and has their own method for training registrations
Too many slack channels, creating confusion for some RPs
Renewing allocations: there is some confusion about the type of allocations and the process to renew existing allocations, if there is one
Conversion factors and credits also seem confusing
Successes or achievements
Planned Events
SC22 and the various activities during the week
Allocations meeting in December
Financial considerations
Misc Topics Discussed
Globus - It’s a communications topic brought by Tom G, the decision to use Globus needs to be communicated in due time with other teams
ACCESS Program Presentations space created by Ron - Tom G ready to share slides with folks as needed/on-demand
Shared drives have been created for ACCESS and the process will be shared with the teams - Ron Payne
XSEDE trainings - Ron to reach out to Susan from Cornell to request if the past trainings are available
Next Meeting: 7 Nov 2022