John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Jay Alameda, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva, Kim Mann Bruch, Shannon Bradley
Decisions made during the meeting:
Use Decision Macro
Updates from NSF (5 minutes)
What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 minutes)
Discuss ideas for shared part of the annual review
how to engage other tracks and share the presentations for the review
Common Subjects
Summary of where we are now
Sub awards now
Discussion of program wide goals and metrics in relation to those
Tom requests
Detail inside measurable details
highlight those outcomes archived thru contributions of multiple awardees
How is the program working - how are those that are group team contributed to going
When each team comes and says - we were working with Group X … and then another team says they are working with group X --- why didn’t the presentation indicate the collaboration across the 3
highlight these successes
Standing committees are an example of this
Each team has common slides - program wide goals listed
each team talks about their contribution to those program wide goals
How is this detailed in the review?
model - same slides for A - G
model - same slides A - detail, B - detail, C - Detail
model - same slides A - G - and full detail goes below
give to teams - and let EC decide how to tell story
How long is the slot for the combined presentation - it will change for each team
Dates for Reviews?
we think around April
NSF has black out dates only at this point - let them know any of our blackout dates (see task below)
2 days back to back hopefully
They have travel in April as well
Locking in changes to the PEP re: CB&E
Reallocation of budget and place in a project change request
how to use comms support
reallocation of people
support of evaluation working group
due before annual review - so the change can be included
Goal - have it completed by end of March
PEP will change due to change in scope
show splitting apart of tasks and who is doing what across tracks
Subaward amendment to SDSC which will document some of the changes
If there is a greater demand for the ACO in the future - we would like to know now
there is nothing definitively enough about what to do with CB&E now
we shouldn’t wait
We can also include financial updates in our next IPR
Interim Progress Report - and our new layout
No longer have challenges and solutions section - did we have any?
we have them in each area instead of aggregated
this allows us to provide more detail about what we did about the challenge
Things like metrics / KPIs - if we can flag anything that is new or changes to what has been done before - that would help
we will flag if we add, remove, or change how we are evaluating a metric
Area updates (10+ minutes)
Evaluation; - Shawn
Communications; - Dina
Community Engagement; - Jay
Project Office;
Misc: Review To Do Tasks for NSF Meetings
Task report | ||||
Info |
Parking Lot |
Next Meeting: 4th March 2024?
Action Tracker:
- John Towns - provide blackout dates for us in April -
Use Action Item Macro to track assigned To Do Items - check the box when it is complete