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\uD83D\uDDD3 Date


Dina Meek Megan Janeski Andrew Helregel Stephen Deems Shira Feldman Kimberly Bruch Megan Johnson Leslie Froeschl Tom Furlani Conner Saeli





Notes/Action Items

Comms Plan


Monthly Review - what’s coming up for next month

Any additions?



What would we recommend be our first target for a communications campaign? What would be our goal? Consider personas and low-hanging fruit:

  • Computational Researchers

  • Educators

    • Meggie says we have a tag and cache of stories we could spotlight

    • Leslie: STEP program for Students

  • Grad Students

  • RPs

  • Community Organizations

  • Underserved communities

    • non-R1s

      • Tom: PUIs (primarily undergraduate institutions)

    • MSIs

    • Meggie: Arts & Humanities

  • Dina (after meeting): maybe first campaign is around introducing new web structure and landing pages; goal would be feedback or engagement with those pages (we could tag content to follow the users' “journeys” or just measure uptick in views of key pages)


Dina /MJNew newsletter designs & process

No Inside ACCESS this month; new ACCESS Advance should go out first week of July

Please add news here on behalf of your team for upcoming newsletters.

Deadline is Monday!



MJ updated templates w/to add the NSF logo, per their guidelines.
File path after login:
Log in > Campaigns (Marketing) > Folders > Current TemplatesCreate > Email > Saved Templates > located needed template > select “use this template” to begin.
All updated 2024 templates can be accessed and utilized here without impacting the originals.

Everyone be sure to build your emails/newsletters now using the new templates w/NSF logo to be compliant


DinaDina reported on Web Presence SC progress based on Quarterly Meeting feedback


Social Media

Andrewn/a (Andrew on vacation)

May analytics


DinaDina to be sharing taglines with EC in next week or two






  • Idea: Trivia

    Create a trivia card about ACCESS; answers could be on the back (they can try and then see how they do...getting the information either way). everyone that who tries can enter their card into a drawing for a bigger prize (Beats headphones, for example) - just a random drawing.

  • Meggie

to email our Comms team to get emails from attendees to share our volunteer sign up with
  • : perhaps a premium RP swag bag, that includes swag from all of our RPs

  • Generally folks like the trivia

Open Discussion


Anything to elevate to EC?
