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\uD83D\uDC65 Participants

Dina Meek Cindy Wong Megan Johnson Andrew Helregel, Alana.Romanella Hannah Naughton Leslie Froeschl

\uD83E\uDD45 Goals

  • Discover how people can get involved in ACCESS

    • Something Tom G brings up often

      • Allocations - reviewers (they have 46 people express their interest - Allocations needs to train them now) - they can still use more people! (particularly want more diverse representation)

        • grad students can be PIs - get an allocation (important to push at SC)

      • Metrics - XDmod is open source so developers can get involved

        • looking for 3rd party developers to contribute new features to XDmod

          • Get in touch with us for more info about XDmoD

      • Operations - as a resource provider; also student training program (STEP - that’s not quite ready yet)

      • Support - not at the moment; eventually though; pilots will be getting set up for students, faculty, staff, end of Nov/early Nov.

    • How can we guide people via the website?

  • Set expectation of feeding stories from each service area/track (1x/mos)






Andrew Helregel/Megan Janeski

  • Update on SC print materials

Dina Meek/Megan Johnson

  • Update on Booth

  • Reminder: SC participation

    • Need list of all personnel from all service areas/tracks by 9/30

    • Volunteer list - we’ll need to push this out to our staff; will need to determine email lists

      • Slack - access-wide channel

      • Allocations has an ACCESS staff email list

      • ACO - ?

      • Support - Alana thinks so…not sure how updated it is

      • Operations - ?

      • Metrics - yes! in google groups

  • Booth Events -

    • brainstorming session


Social Media update


Web stories update

  • Plan for pulling stories

    • 1x/mos

    • Cadence - first week?


Newsletter update

  • The ACCESS Advance - quarterly, external, profiles, science stories, program news/training

  • Inside ACCESS - monthly, internal, NSF program officer message, track updates (she will reach to PIs/comms folks), events, staff spotlights

  • Late October first drop date

  • Question (Deems): Where can resource providers disseminate news items? The community is starting to submit items. Hannah can work with him - needs emails. Dina can reach out to Ruth Marinshaw (RP Forum) to perhaps get on their agenda to, again, ask for RP contacts

✅ Action items

  •  Dina Meek reach out to Ruth Marinshaw about attending the RP forum to get comms contact names for our science stories endeavors (and newsletters)
  •  Hannah Naughton and Stephen Deems introduce Megan Johnson (Megan) to Ken via email so he can support volunteer efforts for SC booth
  •  Dina Meek will bring the call for volunteers (also getting a staff email list together) to the EC;
  •  Megan Johnson to share link to volunteer sign up sheet with Dina for distribution in comms channels


⤴ Decisions

  • Each service area/track representative will provide a lead to a story during this meeting the first week of each month - just a lead; Megan and Hannah can utilize for website and newsletters