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This is a brainstorming session to help define the elements of an ACCESS onboarding process that would be used when new team members join the program. We’ll include in this discussion integration of new programs and collaborations with ACCESS, including a possible future CITAP awardee. If there’s time we can consider elements of an offboarding process.

Standard Onboarding, as defined by SHRM


ACCESS Onboarding

  1. Should we have an ACCESS-specific onboarding process?  

  2. How does this onboarding process incorporate both team-level and ACCESS-wide elements?

  3. What should be included in an ACCESS Onboarding program ?

    • What does a new team member need to know to be successful?

    • If you joined ACCESS after it was underway, what information do you wish you had when you joined that would have improved your experience?

    • What is the process for granting them access to the various information source, email lists, etc?

    • How to we introduce them to the ACCESS team?

    • How to connect them with the working groups and standing committees that will be important to them?

    • Are there things you do with your teams or within your organizations that work well?

  4. How can we extend this to other programs that want/need to work with ACCESS and need to understand how ACCESS works to effectively collaborate with it?


Onboarding Ideas





PPT Overview of specific team

Match Job Description to Allocation so they know what is expected

Communicate Hire to Team

Checklist for items that need to be done before the person starts

Training Schedule -


? weeks - what order to train on things - Schedule time to meet with stakeholders

Day 1 - equipment setup, join work spaces, email lists, add to meetings, etc.

Revisit and update the XSEDE New Staff Guide

Internal system overview and training

On-boarding Buddies

Content needs to come from al parts of program; distributed development that can be composed for the needs of a specific individual.


From WBS - tree of information

Will this person need ticketing system agent access? If so request w/ queue info

Introduction to wiki, google drive, etc.

Team based contextual list of who / which team is responsible for what. Who owns what data etc.

Overview of project history / Timeline for ACCESS project.

Overview of working group/standing committees

Regular (quarterly?) overview of program involving presentations for each awardee to provided orientation to program.

Meet with some members from different service teams - mini welcome panel

ORG chart for easy navigation and identify staff

Feature new staff piece in staff newsletter?

Need a chedklist for adding permissions to access all tools/spaces relevant for the individual

Assigning “Onboarding Buddy” to every new staff member

6 week review




1 on 1 Review of training - How did we do - what questions do you still have - any suggestions

Get feedback on training material and see what was most effective and what needs work.

Survey or interview with new staff member to assess both the effectiveness of the onboarding and asking what improvements could be made.

Communicate with home institution manager

ACCESS Manager should check in with staff members supervisor of record

Should we have stay interviews? conversation with your current employees about their role, responsibilities, and how they’re feeling at work

This should be handled by mgrs

Just touch bases and see if there are any pain points / blockers that have arisen


ACCESS Manager should check in with staff members supervisor of record




Survey or interview with new staff member to assess both the effectiveness of the onboarding and asking what improvements could be made.

Interview with new staff member to address open questions or challenges they are facing.

ACCESS “Mid-term” / trivia quiz

Are they comfortable with the volume of work/meetings they’ve been assigned?

Offboarding Ideas




Exit Checklist

Exit Interview

Communicate Change to whole team

Deactivate Accounts

Why are they leaving program?

Communication with partner institution re. replacing the effort?

Ask about any challenges in the organization they see and how they might be addressed.

Overall Suggestions/Questions




How should the info be organized?

Where should the info go?

Make sure to define which is done as a program and which as a team

Pitfalls to Avoid




How should the info be organized

Where should the info go?

Make sure to define which is done as a program and which as a team

Don’t forget offboarding