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Sprint to Assist New Users

We are a working group who needs to become a standing committee

Charter Template

  • Dina will continue as Chair

  • Team will consider if they can support as Co-Chair

Christine previewed the layout and newer direction
  • Team thinks someone from ACO should be EC Sponsor

Christine preview the continued work for the Getting Started content:

  • Greg mentioned a list of nine steps might seem a lot to “get started.”

  • Andrew suggested group eligibility and account creation steps together and the resources and allocations steps together

  • We also want to make the color blocks linkable

Nathan showed new Allocations landing page

  • We like the stats - could this be on other pages? ACO landing page?

Next Steps

  • After next round of revisions by Q, Nathan to loop in Allocations site developer so we can compare

Previous notes:

  • JP noted Science Gateways should be grouped with the RP block and suggested that block move to the far right position as the smallest audience

  • The team generally felt this was a good direction, but a list of steps was still needed

Previous notes:
  • We decided to not include Science Gateway information in the list of “tools” since this program’s story is not completely understood. We can revisit this at our next meeting.

  • Some discussion on where to include PI’s. We can revisit this at our next meeting.

New Users

  • Possibly have a “join” button next to login to very quickly drive new users to a page that then guided them

Christine shared layout with “Get Started” in the “Welcome to ACCESS” box on hero image

Andrew suggests we promote that it’s FREE in a bigger sense than we have to date

JP brought up that not all new visitors are researchers; we also need to address cyberinfrastructure providers such as RPs

Andrew mentioned there will soon be a tool Support is building to help new users identify the best possible resources for their project

Review guidelines and bring thoughts to next meetingQ

  • Need to

continue work on the development site for this and bring to next meeting

JP Navarro

Identity top navigation

JP reported the top nav for Identity had been updated to match the rest of the awardee sites
  • decide on EC sponsor and Chair, Co-chair.

  • Can we asynchronously add thoughts to the Charter template by 10/11?

Q to play around with

Review Decision Tracker

✅ Action items

  • Tolbert, Nathan L to run dropping “My” from “My Allocations” in post-login menu (team was concerned it would be confusing, but worth a try) (approved by allocations team)

  • Dina Meek Code of Conduct - Dina working on reviewing some discrepancies.

  • All remove intermediate log on pages so logging in takes visitor directly to CILogon page

  • All change Hex Value per 7/19 notes (in GitHub - noted at top)

  • Icicle video - Support might be able to create something along these lines - but perhaps next phase of “How to ACCESS” - and/or help set up video templates for researchers who want to share how ACCESS assisted with their research
