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Old Business

  • Style Guide - from the agency (they will join us in our 2/8 meeting to review)

    • Here is the client page we have set up for ACCESS –


        We will post all new files here and included some 2022 history of the project.

      • Please note:

        • Analytics. 

          All subdomains should download the Google Tag Manager code and place in the header and footer of their websites. Once that is done we will have more information on how to view analytics across subdomains.

          • Not all have integrated

          • JP - codes are differing

            • Christine - nothing should have changed

          • Support has already coded their site; now how do we make this work with two codes

            • Ron - Can we adapt Supports tag code across the rest of the sites?

            • Christine will check Support’s code so we can see how to adapt

          • they will meet on this

          • Dina needs to give Q the emails of all our development teams

        • User Interface. 

          Refinements focusing especially on:

          • Universal navigation dropdown (Login or My ACCESS TBD for future)

            • Do we want on dropdowns

              • open on hover? open on click?

              • what do underlines mean? Active?

            • Q says its most simple to use “Login” on all the sites in the Univ nav bar

            • All sites aren’t handling login the same;

            • where we need all sites to go is to CiLogon

            • We will defer this piece - for the ACO site - until we’ve got style guide finished

          • Universal footer navigation (included privacy info)

          • Subdomain navigation and drop downs

          • Subdomain footer refinements

          • Andrew: you could notate a PDF or use XD

          • Breadcrumbs

            • “Home” means different things

            • So replace that in breadcrumbs with subdomain name

            • “Home/Tools” would change, for ex, to “Support/Tools”

          • Would like to add a style - like the inpage navigation (see “Tools” in Q’s layout) - for inpage content boxes

          • Julie proposes we need to make hard decisions on how things should look and function so as not to confuse users

            • Q will look at this and see what makes the most sense

        • Measurements. 

          • Page width, grid, logo placement, etc.

            • Mobile Menu.

               Menu design with two menus at the subdomain level "ACCESS Menu” at top that reveals universal navigation and "Subdomain Menu” below logo that reveals subdomain global navigation.

            • Nathan: “Menu” shouldn’t be mentioned twice

            • Andrew: could use an icon rather than Menu

            • Andrew: what is the action when you click on Login (one click, two clicks?) He prefers click to open; so does Q. Could go either way

            • Team generally like Q’s design

            • Julie asked about tablet (breakpoints)

          • The team would like even more measurements

            • i.e. heights of bar (white) logo sits in

            • Q has XD file if anyone wants that - Andrew says that’d be helpful

            • Breakpoints might also be helpful

            • RGB and Hex Codes seem to be ok for colors with team

            • need to review colors of social icons - was navy blue intentional?

New Business

  • Subgroup updates

    • Header & Footer - Nathan, Andrew, Greg, Ron/Dina, JP/Dinuka

      • Low hanging fruit was the focus

        • identified things in header/font/spacings/footer and deciding which track had the best look

        • each service area should try to get this done in the next week or so (early Feb)

        • Group agrees we should have a universal footer (the white area) but also some of the same elements in the green bar area

          • And, should we identify that green bar section (with the specific subdomain navigation) with what navigation they are looking at, i.e. “Allocations”

    • Resource Provider Page - JP, Julie, Greg, Nathan, ACO - Ron/Q

      • Need to mockup what this would look like

        • The ACO agency, Qltd., will do this

      • Need to collaborate on getting language and descriptions

      • We’ll meet next week to touch base

      • Next steps: Next steps:

        • Review with Q

          • Q did a very high-level layout based on JP’s team’s outline

          • We need to run by a small focus group of RPs before we do much more

            • We need to determine what makes the most sense to show on the page - the Resource Provider names or the actual resources (Bridges) page

            • We may need to link off to a subdomain that has a list (dynamic pulling from dbase) of all the resources

        • Draft copy

          • ACO; bring back to group

          • Vet through RP forum

        • Bring to Q for design

    What about (did not discuss)
  • And…

    • Adding blurb to Contact page with link to ticketing system for allocated users

      • Dina shared text with Q 2/8

    • Universal navigation, dropdown menu for “About”, includes file distribution to all
      subdomains via GitHub

      • Determine if there should be dropdowns

✅ Action items


⤴ Decisions