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Who is responsible - Team or Program


Onboarding form? checklist? - some kind of intake form or page for the new person

Set up Individual Training Plan

Define which PPT the person should be given - separate one for each “Team” with some that is consistent across the Project

  • we will need PPT for each Team - new staff guide

  • Include Team based contextual list of who / which team is responsible for what. Who owns what data etc.

  • Overview of project history / Timeline for ACCESS project.

  • Overview of working group/standing committees

  • Ask each awardee to provide a slide about their project to include in overview

    • have regular reviews of the information

Use Job description and WBS area to define what the person will be doing so both they and their supervisor understand what is expected

Training Schedule - what they are doing to train each week

  • Meet with stakeholders

  • Define Internal Users/Stakeholders and External Stakeholders

  • Meet with some members from different service teams - mini welcome panel

    • Review tools needed - how to use internal systems - how to wiki and google drive

Communicate Hire to the Team

  • email to Team, ACCESS and have Comms feature it in the internal newsletter (or external as needed)

6 Week Review 1 on 1 - Completing Orientation Period


Who is responsible - Team or Program


Review of training - How did we do - what questions do you still have - any suggestions

  • Get feedback on training material and see what was most effective and what needs work.

  • assess both the effectiveness of the onboarding and asking what improvements could be made.

ACCESS Manager should check in with staff members supervisor of record

  • Communicate with home institution manageraddress

Address open questions or challenges they are facing.

ACCESS “Mid-term” / trivia quiz

Are they comfortable with the volume of work/meetings they’ve been assigned?

InBoarding - how can we keep people?



Who is responsible - Team or Program


Exit Checklist - what goes on it?

  • change passwords and access to system

  • notify team when someone leaves

  • communicate with partner institute - change in person and notification of how this may impact and any mitigations implemented

Exit interview - what do we ask?

  • Why are they leaving

  • Ask about any challenges in the organization they see and how they might be addressed.