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To Do


New Metric - a gap we currently have is potential users and outreach - if everyone who went to a meeting would put entry in spreadsheet - and count how many people attended their session it would be a good data point

Shawn Strande - Based on 2024 - Feb Quarterly Meeting - Create a new metric - based on potential users and outreach goals - if people fill out engagement spreadsheet with how many people attended their session - we could get a good data point

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

To Do: suggestion for Engagement Tracker - trigger or alert - people get notified when people make entries for future dates - comms reaches out to support the person who is going  


Shannon Bradley - research to see if the Engagement Tracker Google Worksheet can send out notifications when people make entries for future dates

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

To Do: Can we ask during requesting allocation - how did you hear about us?

John Towns - can we ask during allocation requests - how did you hear about us?

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serverSystem Jira

Make a list of everyplace you go in a year - you would be surprised at how many people you contact - look over 2023 and enter your list into the tracker - it would be helpful for us to use for evaluation

Everyone - Make a list of every place you go in a year and estimate how many people you contacted during each event - place that in the Event Tracker - we can use that for metrics

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serverSystem Jira

From Tom: To Do: make a cheat sheet that says if you talk to this “persona” you should relay this info - and outreach can turn to listening.

Dina Meek - check with ACO and EC and get OK to make a cheat sheet that lists if you talk to this “persona” you should relay “this” information

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serverSystem Jira

From Tom: Planting opportunities with advocates who run carpentry workshops - if we can partner with trusted agents like that it could help.

ACO - partner with advocates who run carpentry workshops - see if they can spread our information

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serverSystem Jira

To Do:  Rather than trying to project where we might go - should we put a note on the web site for “where should ACCESS go?” “invite ACCESS to come here” - this is $0 investment and could be beneficial.

Dina Meek - section on the website and in our newsletters to ask more peple “Where should ACCESS go?” / “Invite ACCESS to come “here”

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira



To Do


new working group operation strategy that provides for clearer path of communication from WGs to the EC and back (possibly including RACI strategy in the Chartering process)

Shawn Strande - new working group operation strategy that provides for clearer path of communication from WGs to the EC and back (possibly including RACI strategy in the Chartering process)

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

investigate alternatives to RACI for nimbler response to requests from EAB, EC, RAC, etc.


Shannon Bradley - investigate alternatives to RACI for nimbler response to requests from EAB, EC, RAC, etc.

Jira Legacy
serverSystem Jira

committed to implementing RACI for his groups

David Hart - committed to implementing RACI for his groups

work with EC to determine if having a single point of contact with SME in chartering would help streamline the chartering process

Shawn Strande - work with EC to determine if having a single point of contact with SME in chartering would help streamline the chartering process

process for weighing needs to determine if there should be a minor framework, a working group, or a standing committee to get certain things done

Shawn Strande - create process for selecting framework needed to get a problem resolved

outline process for understanding the scope of decision making authority of a working group

Shawn Strande - create process for determining decision and authority scope for WG and SC

how can we make decisions and work completed visible outside the teams that are doing the work? So it can be reviewed to make sure we all are working on things we are supposed to based on project goals

Shawn Strande - new process for decision and work completed sharing

create feedback loops for Standing Committees so they can report up and close out items as they are worked on and completed + close out activity flow as well

Lavanya Podila - Create Reporting Feedback loops for SCs

create section in Charter that defines the purpose of the EC Advocate on the standing committee/WG - they should be making the decisions and reporting back or helping decide what things should be brought to the EC for decision making

Shawn Strande - update Charter with purpose and process of EC Advocate on SCs/WGs

create a section of the Charter that defines what it means to be done and a target date for that to be complete (will not apply to Standing Groups)

Shawn Strande - update Charter Template to include a section and definition of what it means to be done

determine a way to get anonymous feedback from SCs and WGs on concerns or frustrations and help address them

John Towns- lead determining a process to get anonymous feedback from SCs and WGs

bring this consolidated list back to the EC and decide if these will be done and have them take the decision back to their teams

Shawn Strande - manage presenting list of to dos back to the EC
