Panel | ||||||
| ||||||
IMPORTANT: This applies even to Admins. Before they can log into XRAS Review, Admins must add themselves to or be added to an active panel. |
Reviewer Profile
To view and modify your XRAS reviewer profile, click your name in the upper right, then click User Profile. From this screen, you will be able to view all of your current and past panel memberships, as well as modify your Field(s) of Science expertise.
To add a primary or secondary field of science, click the blue “add” button, and select one or more fields of science from the list.
Impersonating Reviewers
A powerful aspect of XRAS is allowing an Admin to impersonate a reviewer in XRAS Review. By impersonating a reviewer, you can see that reviewer’s assignments, submit a review (e.g., if the reviewer is unable to access the review site), or report a conflict of interest on behalf of a reviewer.
The agenda listing is also color coded, depending on the status of the request.
The request is unmodified and not currently being viewed |
The request is currently being viewed |
The request has been marked as complete |
The request has been marked as complete but had no resource amounts recommended |
The request has been reviewed by the current user |
The current user has a conflict and cannot view the request |
At the top of the agenda are filtering options, hidden by default until the magnifying glass icon is clicked. The list can be filtered by:
In the event that more than one admin has entered recommended amounts, allocation dates, or tags, the system will check for differences between the entries. If the another admin's entries are in conflict with any part of the current user's entry, a pop-up will appear before the current user's entries are saved. The user will see the items that are in conflict. The user can then choose to use the other admin's entries, use their own entries, or cancel the save altogether and return to the request view.
User Profile
To view and modify your XRAS reviewer profile, click your name in the upper right, then click User Profile. From this screen, you will be able to view all of your current and past panel memberships, as well as modify your Field(s) of Science expertise.
To add a primary or secondary field of science, click the blue “add” button, and select one or more fields of science from the list.