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The following configuration features are accessed via the XRAS Admin settings menu—the gear icon on the top navigation bar. The gear icon menu is also where you’ll find Client Settings; those settings are generally required to begin using XRAS and are discussed as part of the Initial Setup and Customization.

Table of Contents

Default Reviewers

If you wish to have “Default Reviewers” for any of your panels, you can select the Default Reviewers option under the settings menu to get a system-wide summary of all such reviewers across all of your panels and allocation types. You can configure XRAS to assign the same default reviewer to every submission to an opportunity, or you can have XRAS assign a default reviewer based on the resource(s) requested in each submission. With a resource-based assignment, a submission that asks for multiple resources will have the default reviewer for each resource assigned to review the request. You can also specify default reviewers for specific action types (new, renewal, supplement, etc.)

Under the “By Panel” tab, you will see your default reviewers sorted according to your various Panelspanels. Here, if you click on the panel name, you will be taken to the Current Members “Current Members” tab for that Panelpanel. And if you click on Edit “Edit Default Reviewers Reviewers” (at right), you will be taken to the Default Reviewers “Default Reviewers” tab for that panel.

Under the “By Allocation Type” tab, you will see your default reviewers sorted according to Allocation Typeallocation type. Note that the By Panel and By Allocation Type lists will be very similar if you have only a single , unique panel associated with each allocation type.

Notifications: Managing Email Templates

Notifications are email messages that are sent via email to users or groups of users when specific events occur in XRAS. Such notifications help both administrators and users to track whether users’ submissions of allocations requests are being processed and monitor the current state of requests within the allocations lifecycle. The Notifications “Notifications” interface allows you to tailor the email messages that XRAS sends. XRAS provides a great deal of flexibility in the email messages that the system sends, but it also requires some time and attention to properly configure XRAS to your site’s needs.

You must configure XRAS to send Notifications notifications when specific scenarios occur. These scenarios (or rules) are combinations of the available Allocation Types, Action Types, Event Types, and Recipient Types. 

Notification Templates


The initial screen includes a summary list of all Notification available notification templates that already exist. You can filter the list (blue button) to zero in on a specific template or determine if a template already exists for a given scenario.

  • Clicking anywhere in a row of the table will take you to the editing screen for that template.

  • The Copy “Copy” button in a row will create a copy of the email template and take you to the editing screen. The copy will be associated with no scenarios; you will have to assign scenarios on the editing screen (see below). 

  • The Delete button ( trash can icon ) will delete the template, removing it and its associated scenarios.


IMPORTANT. Each row in the Notification Templates list may represent a template that is associated with several scenarios. The delete button will remove the template from all associated scenarios. To discontinue the notification for only a single scenario, click elsewhere in the row to edit the notification template; you can delete specific scenarios on the edit screen.

Create/Edit Templates


To customize the email messages sent to users or other recipients, you can create a new template (green button above the list of Notification Templates) or edit an existing template (clicking click the row for a current template or making make a copy of a current template). All of these actions will take you to the create or edit template screen; both screens are organized identically.



The Template section allows you to enter the various components of the email message to be sent, including the sender, fixed recipients, subject line and the body of the message. The fields of the template can include static text, and most fields can include Tags. When sending notifications, XRAS replaces each tag with the appropriate values from the submission that triggered the message to be sent. 

Available Tags


To the right of the Template section, XRAS displays the available tags. Notification tags are used in templates to tell XRAS to substitute submission-specific values into the final email messages, much like the mail merge function found in word processing programs. Tags can be added to the Subject and Body subject, body, cc, and bcc fields of the message. The simplest way to insert a tag in the subject or body field is to place the cursor at the appropriate location in the Subject or Body field and click on the desired Tag tag from the Available Tags list. You can also type the pipe character— “|” — and a dropdown list of available tags will appear.

Only tags that represent valid email addresses, such as “|PROGRAMOFFICEREMAILS|”, can be added to the cc or bcc fields. You must either type in the entire tag value, or copy and paste the tag from the Available Tags list.



The Rules section (below the Template section) is where you define the scenarios in which the template will be used to send notifications. Click the Add Rules “Add Rules” button to add a new rule. In the pop-up window, select one or more allocation type, action type, event type, and recipient type, then the Add Rule(s) “Add Rules” button. You can also delete a newly created or previously existing rule within the pop-up using the appropriate delete (trash can) button. In the Rules section, you can also delete an existing rule or rules directly. A note of caution: If you delete all the Rules rules for a template and Savesave, the template is effectively deleted.

When defining Rulesrules, the Allocation Types allocation types are the types you have defined for your allocation process, and the Action Types action types are the actions you have configured XRAS to support for your process (supplement, extension, and so on). The Event Types and Recipient Types event types and recipient types are specific to the XRAS Notifications feature.

Event Type. TheNotification Event Type” specifies different points in the submission, review, and processing workflow that can be used to trigger a message to be sentXRAS sent. XRAS currently supports sending notifications when the following events occur:. Some events trigger a message automatically and some events require you to manually trigger the message, such as by clicking a button.

  • Action Approved—when the status of the action is set to Approved “Approved” by an admin (manual)

  • Action Finalized/Submitted—when the status of the action is submitted (automatic)

  • Action Rejected—when the status of the action is set to Rejected “Rejected” by an admin (manual)

  • COI Reported—when a reviewer uses the Report COI feature within a request (automatic)

  • Each Review Submitted—when individual reviews are completed for a request (automatic)

  • Reviewer Assignments—when a reviewer is assigned to a request; the Opportunity opportunity must be set to have reviewer assignments visible .(automatic)

  • Reviews Completed—when all review assignments for a request have been completed (automatic)

Recipient Type. The “Recipient Type” allows you to tailor messages about events to different stakeholders in the allocations workflow. XRAS distinguishes the following recipients for the purposes of Notifications and templatesnotification scenarios. Not all recipients may be available for every submission.

  • Allocation Manager—the person(s) with this role on the request

  • Allocation Process Manager—you, another XRAS admin, or other email address; you work with the XRAS team to set this email address 

  • Co-PI—the person(s) with this role on the request

  • NSF Program Officer—the program officer(s) associated with supporting grants on this request

  • PI—the person with this role on the request

  • Reviewer—a member of a Panel assigned to review this request

  • Service Provider—the person/group associated with a resource connected to this request

Be After adding rules, be sure to click the Save “Save” button to save your changes to the Template or template and the Rulesrules. The Cancel “Cancel” button will exit the editing screen without making any changes. You must define at least one rule in order to retain and save a template.
