After selecting an opportunity, the user is presented with the main submission form. If you are using the default XRAS Submit UI, the required fields are indicated by a red asterisk near the field label or by the section header (fields of science, for example). You can define the required fields using the XRAS Admin Rules interface. Required fields are enforced only when the user selects “Submit”; the user is presented with error messages indicating which fields need to be completed. The user can save a partial submission without completing all required fields.
My Allocation Requests
In addition to starting a new submission, the user can also select the “My Allocation Requests” tab, which displays their prior requests, including incomplete submissions. Users can also use this tab to see the anonymized reviewer comments for one of their requests.
Users also submit other allocation project management actions (extensions, transfers, and so on) from this panel. You can control when different action types are permitted via rules Rules. For example, if your allocations process supports extensions, you can restrict submission of an extension action to be allowed only within 30 days of the current allocation period ending.