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Sprint to Assist New Users

We are a working group who needs to become a standing committee

Charter Template

Christine preview the continued work for the Getting Started content:

Previous notes:

  • JP noted Science Gateways should be grouped with the RP block and suggested that block move to the far right position as the smallest audience

  • The team generally felt this was a good direction, but a list of steps was still needed

  • We decided to not include Science Gateway information in the list of “tools” since this program’s story is not completely understood. We can revisit this at our next meeting.

  • Some discussion on where to include PI’s. We can revisit this at our next meeting.

New Users

  • Possibly have a “join” button next to login to very quickly drive new users to a page that then guided them

Christine shared layout with “Get Started” in the “Welcome to ACCESS” box on hero image

Andrew suggests we promote that it’s FREE in a bigger sense than we have to date

JP brought up that not all new visitors are researchers; we also need to address cyberinfrastructure providers such as RPs

Andrew mentioned there will soon be a tool Support is building to help new users identify the best possible resources for their project

Review guidelines and bring thoughts to next meeting

  • Need to decide on EC sponsor and Chair, Co-chair.

  • Can we asynchronously add thoughts to the Charter template by 10/11?

Review Decision Tracker

✅ Action items
