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  1. A Tale of Two Documents John Towns (5 mins)

    1. Program Wide Goals Development

    2. ACCESS Program Wide Responses to CPOs Observations

  2. XSEDE/ACCESS Oversubscription Data

    1. Spreadsheet

      1. While Delta started accepting requests for allocations in March 2021, they then started to pull back in June and August due to hardware delays. Anvil also came online during this time and was requested at a low amount.

      2. Stampede2 accounted for a big dip in availability in Q4 2022. They recently started re-allocating the machine but at half the capacity.

      3. COVID is still causing a lot of delays and corresponding extension requests.

        1. Maximize ACCESS Extension Requests

          1. Q4 2022: 111

          2. Q1 2023: 105

      4. Things to explore:

        1. New resources coming online have a "marketing" problem in the sense that the community needs to know more about them, and that they have a LOT of capacity to initially fill.

          1. How can ACCESS + RPs help here?

        2. The review panel is continually hidden from the true amount of supply available, but over time they've been biased in the sense they know the resources are precious and finite. On top of that, they may be stuck in the XSEDE pattern of "if there's no scaling data provided on the resources being requested then it's subject for rejection/decline".

          1. When reality is that a new resource entered the ecosystem that many investigators wouldn't have had a chance to utilize, let alone test their codes on yet.

          2. Allocations just finished a new reviewer guide that will hopefully start a migration in this line of thinking.

        3. Currently, the allocation policies don't have explicit accommodations for "what do we do when there's a lot of resources left on the table?" and it's something we'll have to start exploring given the trends of the data

          1. How can ACCESS + RPs + Advisory Bodies help here?

  3. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. RAMPS Stephen Deems

    2. MATCH Shelley Knuth

      1. We would like to get an up to date list of the software that each of the RPs are running. Can Operations assist with getting this list? Otherwise we would need to do a workaround.

        1. Operations has provided response to this and will continue to engage with Support as this solution evolves: Operations just released to RPs the ACCESS version of a tool they can use to publish software module information to the ACCESS Operations Information Sharing Platform. Over the next few weeks Operations will introduce an API making the software information available to ACCESS projects and developers. Soon after that we will introduce an interface similar to for discovering available software.

    3. CONECT Tim Boerner

    4. MMS Tom Furlani

    5. OpenCI John Towns

      1. As noted in email earlier today, Lizanne DeStfano will be stepping down from her role in the ACO effective August 1

      2. As noted in email eralier today, Shannon Bradley will be filling Ron’s former role on an interim basis.
