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  1. Roadmaps Working Group Updates (15 mins)

    1. The 2 roadmaps are now divided into 4 roadmaps

    2. This was not a requirement but this will ensure efficient tracking

    3. Science gateways roadmaps, setup complete, has not been released yet, will be released in the next couple months

    4.  Storage futures working group - working independently and will be releasing a new roadmap

    5. Science gateway question - is that a roadmap which is integrated into ACCESS, or does it have an identity separate from ACCESS?
      Working on Science Gateways which have an ACCESS allocation, so its going to be a gateway on top of the resources. They can become services later.

    6. In the road-mapping process, is there an opportunity to use on-demand or Pegasus, or any workflows? That is actually on the radar for the team, this is going to be an innovative pilot - workflows which are pre-packaged and work with RP's to ensure they can utilize these existing workflows. Also normalize workflows in public facing documentation.

    7. Roadmaps working group coming up with a plan to ensure existing roadmaps are in maintenance mode and how to spin down gracefully

  2. Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings John Towns (5 mins)

    1. 30 May 2023 EC Summary (approved)

  3. Program Milestone CheckJohn Towns (5 mins)

    1. Action item for the awardees to update their program milestones

    2. Reminder:Do not edit "Dashboard" tab, please edit "ACCESS program milestones" tab as needed

    3. Shelley’s team is working on some deliverables, will reach out once the specific dates are available

    4. Comment for Stephen - OSG folks to have discussions with allocations and roadmap integration, operations to have a conversation with OSG coming Thursday, 6/8

  4. In-person meeting agenda Shawn Strande (10 mins)

    1. Would like to agree on the topics and lead presenters ** today **


    3. Mis discussion regarding sharing annual review reports and also include draft responses to recommendations

    4. ACO to create a program wide view of deliverables using the dashboard above and will be shared during the program wide meeting

    5. DEI session -

      1. ACO can lead the discussion but we do not have the overall goals

      2. Ag can present

      3. Have a main meeting room with tables, so sub-groups can be formed wherein people can have discussions on key questions

      4. We can ask attendees to think about some questions and come prepared for this conversation

    6. Combine or repurpose the parallel sessions on Day 1, if we cant find something then Stephen would drop the Allocations session

    7. Data collection - differentiate between data presented by Dave and evaluation data

    8. The agenda feels Unilateral

    9. Suggestion to utilize the presenters/participants column and can be filled by specific team members

  5. Discuss PEARC ACCESS meeting on Thursday Shelley Knuth (10 mins)

    1. Thursday co-located event - what’s the mission and purpose of the meeting?

    2. Ideas:

      1. Less of an agenda focused meeting

      2. Have more fluid discussion times

      3. Opportunity to get input from staff through panels, presentations etc

      4. Maybe 3-4 topics that the staff can start the topic and then we can have a discussion, perhaps a mini-panel

      5. What their observations have been?

      6. Describe what they learnt or share anything new they have enabled- a new community, or a new group

      7. Timeslot - Maybe 3-4 hours

      8. Shelley to find out costs for AV? and Lunch?

    3. This topic will be discussed further

  6. ACCESS PIs meeting with ACCESS Resource PIs – collaboration and cohesion? Shelley Knuth (15 mins)

  7. Cybersecurity issue: compliance officers? John Towns (10 mins)


  8. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. RAMPS David Hart Stephen Deems

      1. AARC Meeting Debrief

        1. Out of 56 proposals that were submitted 50 were recommended for award.

          1. 26 proposals were recommended for their full request.

    2. MATCH Shelley Knuth

    3. CONECT Tim Boerner

    4. MMS Tom Furlani

    5. OpenCI John Towns
