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\uD83D\uDDD3 Date


  • Dina Meek Greg Dean John-Paul Navarro Tolbert, Nathan L Andrew Pasquale Qltd (Christine, Emily, Matt)

  • Style Guide - from the agency

    • The next iteration is available here –


      • Measurements

        • Team will review and bring feedback to the 3/1 meeting

        • Allocations is still working through it

        • Operations is implementing

          • JP - has struggled with a single place to go that references all the decisions we’ve made

            • Dina and Ron to meet to determine best way to organize decisions/actions for group to follow

          • Dinuka - is the style guide ready enough for their designer

        • Support is still working through it

          • They would like XD files

          • has some additional questions, once he gets those

        • At some point we declare we’re done; what date do we want to release

          • Dina mentioned we do have a target date - March 17 - for the RP page and we should all shoot for that as our “end date”

          • Andrew suggested XD as a way to gather feedback

      • Final feedback to Q on Style Guide 3/8

  • Analytics 

    • Once the new dashboard is set up we will make sure that all the folks have access:

      Allocations: Rob Light/Nathan Silver

      Support: Andrew Pasquale

      Operations: JP

      Metrics/xmod: Ryan Rathsam Dina and Ron (and at the moment Q LTD team)

  • Universal footer navigation

    • Privacy Policy

    • Conduct (J. Towns working on)

    • Acceptable Use (created by the IAM group)

    • Dina to bring Support's Privacy, Code of Conduct to ACO to determine if we can use this, make adjustments etc.

      • Then bring back to the group to make sure we all have the same verbiage/links in our footers

  • Resource Provider Page - JP, Julie, Greg, Nathan, ACO - Ron/Q

    • There will be a subgroup to put together a decision tree to help new researchers decide which resources they need

      • Support

      • Allocations

      • Operations

    • Ruth and Tom Maiden - sources of truth for RP logos/page

    • Dina to get RP copy into the drive and share link with the team asap

      • Team to review RP copy by 3/8

    • Q did a very high-level layout based on JP’s team’s outline

    • We need to run by a small focus group of RPs before we do much more

      • We need to determine what makes the most sense to show on the page - the Resource Provider names or the actual resources (Bridges) page

      • We may need to link off to a subdomain that has a list (dynamic pulling from dbase) of all the resources

    • Draft copy

      • Group discussed purpose of page

        • we all agree that this is to make the RPs more visible

        • The questions at the bottom are how people take action

          • The various service areas need to help us determine what the questions are and what the links are

        • The Resource Types will be done away with and that info will be brought up into both the intro (explaining the different types of resource) and then fleshing that out a bit under the blurb that will come under whatever the “levels” titles becomes

          • Ron has info on how “Levels” are now described within ACCESS

      • Vet through RP forum

        • NEXT STEPS: ACO will share updated draft copy based on above with this group for feedback before giving to Q to re-lay out

        • Once team is satisfied with copy and layout, Dina and Ron will bring to the RP Forum small focus group


  • Dina Meek and Ron Payne to meet to determine best way to organize decisions/actions for group to follow

  • Q would share XD files with the team

  • Dina to share RP page copy with team by 3/8

  • Julie to form subgroup to create decision tree for new users to determine where they need to go from RP page: Allocations, Support, Operations (Metrics?)

⤴ Decisions

Style Guide - Team decided we would all now work to implement the styles and then determine if anything more was needed.

RP Page - Team decided purpose of the page is to make the RPs more visible; links will give people a path for further action.