Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings John Towns (5 mins)
Informational Items (10 mins)
RAMPS Stephen Deems
MATCH Shelley Knuth
Do we want an internal ACCESS co-located event at PEARC? I know a guy who can add it.
Continuing on with activities as reported last week.
CONECT Tim Boerner
We continue to recruit students at all levels for our student training & engagement program (STEP). Please help spread the word and encourage students you know who may be interested in pursuing a career in CI to apply! https://operations.access-ci.org/step
Refactored ACCESS Allocated resource roadmaps being released early in February
Splitting it into 3 separate roadmaps for compute, storage, and cloud
Streamlining the integration tasks and creating a more useful integration timeline graphic
Improving the format and organization of all the task documents.
MMS Tom Furlani
OpenCI John Towns
EAB meeting is now set for March 2, 10am-12pm PDT. Will be reaching out to everyone to get input on agenda
Progress on feedback received: we have implemented some tracking mechanisms to ensure the ACO makes its deliverable on time or it is recognized when that is not possible and why.
access.org domain, or NOT: The company we have been working with continues to be very difficult at every step of the way. Should we abandon this?
Working Group Updates (10 mins)
Ticketing Working Group @wsnappch@iu.edu
ACCESS-Wide Inclusive Language Statement/Guidelines Tim Boerner (10 mins)
Operations would like to do something quickly in this space, so we’re looking to see what other tracks are thinking/planning
ACCESS community communications Shawn Strande (10 mins)