Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings John Towns (5 mins)
Informational Items (10 mins)
RAMPS Stephen Deems
Optional Demographic Profile Information is now in production for: age, gender, racial group(s), race/ethnicities, and disabilities.
Updated Exchange interface is in production to move ACCESS Credits → Resource Units
MATCH Shelley Knuth
CONECT Tim Boerner
Migration to new rp-forum@access-ci.org and rp-tech@access-ci.org email lists is now complete. The old XSEDE email lists will be turned off. Notifications sent to both lists and a new RP Forum meeting invite was sent. Let Leslie know if you hear of any problems/issues (or if you would like to be added!).
MMS Tom Furlani
OpenCI John Towns
EAB meeting schedulingShawn Strande (5 mins)
Follow-up from External Evaluator Report to ACO John Towns (15 mins)