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  1. Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings John Towns (5 mins)

    1. 13 December 2022 EC Summary

  2. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. RAMPS Stephen Deems

      1. (Follow-up from a previous meeting)

        1. DEI products presented/made available to the ACCESS Allocations Reviewer Committee (AARC) are now available in the Drive Space for reference.

          1. Link should be open to anyone.

      2. Allocations website focus groups

        1. Collected a boatload of feedback from RPs/PIs/etc. to consider re:

          1. Menu navigation; quick links; language; FAQs for XSEDE PIs; ACCESS-wide requests (handbooks, how-to’s, etc.)

      3. Risk Register populated

        1. Some are at “ACCESS Program” levels

          1. e.g. “AWS Outages”, “Security Breach”, “Documentation”

      4. FABRIC interest in ACCESS Allocations

        1. Dave presented to FABRIC leadership team regarding Allocation Services offerings

          1. They lack a panel review process and would like to offload that service

          2. A lot of the discussions / ideas play into Allocation Innovative Pilots (workflows/sensors/instrumentation that can’t be shared simultaneously)

          3. Need some help defining what a FABRIC allocable “unit” could be.

      5. International Science Reserve (New York Academy of Science) approached RAMPS

        1. regarding their "next phase of readiness exercises” - including the resource allocation phase. Could potentially be spinning up an xRAS instance for their use.

    2. MATCH Shelley Knuth

      1.  Upcoming FMLA leave

      2. Beginning Engagement activities after break - any conferences we should attend let me know

    3. CONECT Tim Boerner

    4. MMS Tom Furlani

    5. OpenCI John Towns

  3. Inclusive terminology on website Shelley Knuth (10 minutes)

  4. Scheduling the first EAB meeting John Towns (10 minutes)

    1. Cindy Wong will work with PIs to find a time that works for them, then setup a doodle poll for the EAB members. We are thinking the first meeting will be virtual, potentially in late February/early March.

  5. Getting the right awareness for this meeting Tom Gulbransen (10 minutes)
