Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting Stephen Deems (5 mins)
Working Group and Standing Committees Organizational Updates - Chuck P (10 mins)
Quarterly Meeting Agenda Development - Stephen Deems (15 mins)
Topics from December meeting: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ouuGfEwq4Pan1kW3iBIlzJ3xWBaTBAPDr-CrsIpHozE/edit?gid=0#gid=0
EC should take ownership for leading the planning
Planning committee will still assist
EC Program Milestones Stephen Deems (5 mins)
Quarterly and Annual Meetings To Do Follow Ups
Informational Items (10 mins)
RP Forum Jeremy Fischer
Allocations Stephen Deems
Bring Dina in to talk about Comms SC and preparations for PEARC (adding an ACCESS Users Group Meeting?)
MATCH Shelley Knuth/Alana/Jim
CONECT Tim Boerner/Leslie
MMS Tom Furlani
Need to settle on a date for the fall in person Quarterly meeting as soon as possible
circulate to wider teams before selecting
EAB Chuck P
OpenCI John Towns
NSF Sharon and Puri