Save as “Draft” at any point. Once you have created a event it will show up under “My Events” on the events page.
Saving an event creates an “Event Series” and one or more “Event Instances”. For most events, this implementation detail should not matter, but if you created a recurring series of events, it is possible to override information from the parent event and have specific occurences of the recurring event have different information. Look for more documentation and UX improvements here.
Change status to “Ready for Review” and an admin will be notified and they will approve and post the event or send you an email requesting an edit.
If you are an Affinity Group Leader you can change the status of your event to “Published” without requiring an administrator to approve it.
If you need to make an edit you can find all of your events in “My Events” on the news page. If you make a revision there is a field for “Revision log message” so that we will know what you have changed.
Resource Outages and Reconfiguration
Outages are specific to particular resources and are published at Resource specific outages and reconfiguration news are published at https://operations.access-ci.org/infrastructure_news and can be planned or unplanned. Infrastructure news items have a type (full outage, partial outage, or reconfiguration), have a start date, may have an end date, and must affect one or more infrastructure elements.
More detailed information is available at the https://operations.access-ci.org/online_services/infrastructure_news page.